The Changing World

Not to deny that technology has been part of our daily routines. Reading Michael’s Blog on ‘Futuristic Classroom’ got me thinking that Technology is constantly changing. Society as we know it depends on this fact. That which we take for granted today would have been the stuff of science fiction as little as fifty years ago.  In fifty years’ time, we will doubtless be excited, perturbed and baffled by yet more new developments. In the early years of twenty first century, it is computers and the internet that have captured the public imagination, and found their way into not just our working environments, but increasingly into our domestic spaces.

Looking back at my school life, I have seen changes from my primary years where teachers used blackboards with chalks then later in secondary years teachers used whiteboard with marker pens then college years where teachers used laptops and projectors and NOW teachers used Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) in their lessons. As simple as that, the board we are using is constantly changed as the technology improved.

Therefore, thinking Michaels statement on ‘Could ICT replaces the role of teachers in the future’, I would say it could happen as now technologies are improving based on the humans need. Reflecting how technologies changed in the past generations.

Here is some reading that other people share their point of view on “Will there be a time, in the future, when we should stop developing new technology?” or reading on “Constantly Changing Technologies: What’s a Software Developer To Do?”.




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